A Happy Man

            A Happy Man    
     Furious and Frustrated
     Have not rest
    Have not celebrated any fest
    Since the day he joined
    The Job in the MNC.
    Being tired with the rules
    For which compromised his
    Own values
   Took a break,left the desk
   Came out from the slavery nest
   Sun was high at peak
   Rays were playing with the    
   Brightness and severe heat
   Perspired a lot
   Felt happy for  at least sweat is
   Accompany him
   Walk a bit,reached at the
   Sugarcane juice for self treat!
   A person in mid fifties
   With left hand's thumb and    
   Index finger being amputated
  Wrapped with Bandages!
  Wound was still fresh
  Happily was distributing juice    
 As if painting on the canvas!
 Face was decorated with the
 Feelings of love and contentment
 No complains,no sign of any pain
 Politely behaving with customer
 Not expecting any favour!
 He saw him
 Felt his pain
 Tears rolled down  from his eyes
 Started thinking as wise
 My problems are nothing
 In front of him
 Frustration and anger subsided
 Drank the juice
 Cool down his fuss
 Went back happily to his desk
 Decided to finish the rest!


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